Ozonated Water Solutions

Our ozonated water disinfection solutions use ozone (O3), an unstable gas that forms naturally in the atmosphere, to eliminate micro-organisms in water. Our ozonated water generators produce ozone from oxygen in the air. The ozone is then dissolved in tap water to form ozonated water, a powerful disinfectant (99.99% effective) that can destroy micro-organisms such as bacteria, viruses and protozoa. Once the disinfection process is complete, ozonated water rapidly decomposes into normal water and breathable oxygen. The advantages of using ozonated water for disinfection are numerous. It leaves no chemical residue, is effective against a wide range of micro-organisms and is safer and more environmentally responsible than traditional chemical disinfection methods.

Neptune Ozonated Water Generator

Ozonated water cleaning system
 1 590,00 €

Neptune Spray

Portable disinfection of surfaces and objects
 349,00 €

Mini-O Ozonated Water Generator

Compact ozonated water cleaning system
 1 049,00 €

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