
Tom Travel on DT-Solution

Thursday, January 27, 2022

With the Covid-19 epidemic forcing many establishments to close their doors in 2020, disinfecting public areas has become a priority. Start-up company Désinfection Technologie Solution (DTS) has developed disinfection equipment using UVC lamps. It's a solution that many hoteliers, transport operators and cultural professionals will soon be adopting. Interview with Mattéo Boso, founder and President of DTS.

Can you tell us about DT Solutions?

Désinfection Technologie Solution (DTS) is a startup founded in 2020 that manufactures and develops sustainable, environmentally-friendly disinfection solutions using UVC. Disinfection by light is not a new technology, and is mainly used for water or in the food industry. We therefore knew that this technology was effective, but in the end remained relatively little used by other sectors, particularly the consumer sector. So we started producing solutions that were affordable, accessible, simple and, above all, made in France. When the Covid-19 epidemic first broke out, we realized that over a million places had to close for health reasons. This pandemic marked the real starting point of our adventure, and we knew that hygiene standards would endure. In China, light disinfection was already in use, but not in France.

Today, there are around ten of us working in the company, and we've joined the Open Tourisme Lab program.

How does the technology used work?

Just as tanning salons use UVA lamps, we have lamps that create UVC. These UVCs will have a virucidal and bactericidal action simply by exposing a surface or object to this light. At DTS, we have also developed an AI that enables us to calculate the exposure time required for each surface. For Covid-19, for example, which is a virus with little resistance to UVC, the exposure time is around 5 minutes for a 25 m² room. The lamp itself works around a mobile column, and we can offer this technology via a robot that can move around for large surfaces, or via an air purifier where the lamp replaces the traditional filter. In this way, we can treat both the surface and the air, except with the purifier which, used on its own, can only treat the air.

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