
When should I use an air purifier?

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

The role of air purifiers is to capture particles, micro-organisms and VOCs in the ambient air, treat it and release healthy air. Nowadays, most homes, public spaces and professional offices suffer from pollution due to the use of means of transport, human activities, the use of electronic devices and so on. If an air purifier can clean indoor and outdoor air, where can it be used?

Where to use air purifiers

Air purifiers can meet a variety of needs and be used in different locations.

Where can I use them?

Air purifiers in hospitals

Hospitals, health centers and clinics are notorious for being high-risk areas for contamination. According to statistics, over 6.9% of hospital patients are victims of nosocomial infections. To preserve the health of patients and medical staff alike, health centers must be kept clean at all times, free of chemical residues, micro-organisms and other contaminants. This is why air purifiers are installed and used in hospitals. Most of the time, plasma, ozone or UV purifiers are used in this type of environment. HEPA filter purifiers are also popular in health centers, as they are highly efficient.

Air purifiers for allergy sufferers

In rooms or living quarters where patients are convalescing, it's important to use air purifiers to ensure that they breathe healthy air. In fact, to optimize their recovery process, it's necessary to install an ultra-quiet purifier that won't disturb patients' peace and sleep. In homes or offices, people sensitive to allergenic particles need to use purifiers for their own health. This enables them to avoid contracting or being exposed to the negative effects of respiratory illnesses.

Using purifiers in schools and meeting rooms

Schools really need air purifiers, especially in the current pandemic context. With large numbers of pupils and students from different backgrounds, it's important to purify the air in schools. Some students may come from homes at high risk of contamination and pollution, and carry the genes into the schools. This could be harmful to other students and faculty. In addition, with the high concentration of students, the volume of carbon dioxide can be high in playgrounds and corridors. Air purifiers can therefore capture not only excess CO2 in the air, but also viruses, pollen, allergenic substances, dust mites and anything else that can pollute the air in schools. Even so, it's important to choose a model that purifies and purifies the air throughout the school. Meeting rooms also need purifiers for the safety and good health of occupants and users.

Air purifiers can be installed in public spaces and large areas

There are models of long-range air purifiers that are effective outdoors. These are the kind you'd install in supermarkets and department stores, for example. Smaller models can be installed in ATMs, which are used by large numbers of people every day.

How to choose air purifiers for best results?

Wherever you want to use an air purifier, it's important to take certain parameters into account in order to find a high-performance model. First and foremost, the efficiency of the device depends on its functionality. For example, the higher the flow rate, the faster the air will be purified. That's why it's important to opt for models with high flow rates. Next, purifiers with HEPA filters (HEPA 13 & 14) are recognized as the best on the market. They get rid of all particles in the air, even the largest. It should be noted that particles larger than 10 microns tend to settle on surfaces, and should be removed with a vacuum cleaner.

Another important factor to consider is the surface area of the room to be purified. This must be in relation to the power of the appliance. Otherwise, the purifier, however powerful, won't be able to play its role to the full.

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